Wialan’s Wireless Early Warning System is a revolutionary public announcement system that aims to save lives. Unlike the outdated system used by lifeguards worldwide, which relies on changing color flags to signal danger, this sophisticated system is highly effective. Recent news reports have confirmed that beach goers are often not paying attention to the flags while swimming and having fun, rendering the old system ineffective. However, with a 120-decibel loudspeaker warning them of impending danger, they would be much more likely to take notice and take action. Wialan has applied for a patent for this innovative system, which was piloted in Clearwater Beach. This system is a game changer, and its potential to prevent accidents and save lives cannot be understated.

At Wialan Technologies, we are confident in providing you with the best wireless network solution. Our solution is reliable, scalable, and tailored to your business needs.
Contact us today, and let us show you what we can do.